A colourful traditional dish of mutsugoro
This is a kind of oshizushi prepared with mutsugoro. The ingredients differ depending on the seasons and each home, but this is a traditional style of sushi prepared with the seafood from Sea of Ariake and food from mountains presented colorfully on sushi-rice made of rice harvested in Suko. Suko-zushi has a long history in Shiraishi-cho Suko area, and has been served in festivals and celebrations. Suko-sushi is originated in the Edo period when the people of the area showed their appreciation to their feudal lord by giving “sushi”, and it has been carried on as a taste of home.
[ A ]
- rice5 cups
- もち米0.5合
- 塩小さじ2/3
[ A ]
- water2/5 cups
- salt1/2 tablespoon
- sake1 tablespoon
[ 合わせ酢 ]
- vinegar1/2 cup
- sugar100g
- にんじん30g
- しいたけ(乾)5枚
[ D ]
- small bamboo shoot1
- dried shiitake mushrooms3-4 pieces
- 酒大さじ1
- しょうゆ大さじ2
[ B ]
- shoyu2 tablespoon
- sugar1 tablespoon
- きゅうり(季節によって木の芽)適宜
- 奈良漬1/3枚
- 紅生姜適宜
- 1.
- Put rice and A all together and cook
- 2.
- Get fish meat from Mutsugoro and cut into halves
- 3.
- Cut bamboo shoot into squares (Hyoushigiri)
- 4.
- Peel and devein shrimps, boil and marinate them in amazu
- 5.
- Cook eggs and make kinshitamago, steam kamaboko and cut into quarter slices (ichougiri), chop naraduke, and shred benishoga
- 6.
- Put cooked rice into morofuta (or jubako), and mix with awasezu. Spread rice and tenderly press and flat the surface. Then cut into 10cm square pieces.
- 7.
- Place mutsugoro on the middle of each square rice, and garnish with other ingredients.
Information provided by : Department of producers’ Assist and Production Promotion, Saga prefecture