Ultimate “omotenashi” (welcoming) dish that is made with 100% local ingredients
Gunma prefecture supplies 100% of the ingredients that you need to cook Sukiyaki: “Joshu-wagyu”, the first Japanese beef that has been exported to the EU, “konnyaku” (a hard jelly made from the starch of corm of the “devil's tongue” plant) which Gunma produces the highest amount in Japan, “Shimonitanegi”: a kind of leek that is well-known nation-wide, shiitake mushroom, and shungiku (crown daisy greens) which are also a popular product in Gunma. In order to make this “Sukiyaki” popular as a “omotenashi” (welcoming) dish and as a “prefectural dish”, Gunma prefecture and related organizations have set November 29th as a “Gunma’s Sukiyaki day.”
Information provided by : 群馬県農政部ぐんまブランド推進課