Deep-fried vegetables that was named by its appearance.
This deep-fried vegetables are made of thick strips of vegetables mixed with batter, and it was named "gane" referring to "kani (crab)" in Kagoshima dialect due to its similar appearance to crab. This is a simple and quick dish that could be made with any vegetables at hand, and it is also a good snack for kids. If eating as a main dish for a meal, the side dish is better to be something light like oshitashi to go well with deep-fried gani. Some areas use soba flour and brown sugar.
for [:ja]4[:en]for 4 persons[:de]4[:ru]4[:es]4[:fr]4[:it]4[:ko]4[:th]4[:zh]4[:ch]4[:] persons
- sweet potatoes100g
- carrots80g
- gobou80g
- nira50g
- egg1
- flour60g
- mochi flour20g
- oilproper quantity
[ 調味料 ]
- 砂糖大さじ1
- 地酒小さじ1
- 塩小さじ1/5
- 薄口しょうゆ小さじ1
- 1.
- さつまいも、人参はせん切りにし、ごぼうはささがき、にらは2㎝位に切る。
- 2.
- 卵に水を少し入れて、てんぷらより少し固めの衣を作る。
- 3.
- ②に調味料と①を入れ、野菜を混ぜ、低い温度でゆっくり揚げる。最後に火を強くし、からりときつね色に仕上げる。
Information provided by : kagoshimakensyokuseikatsukaizensuisininrenrakukyogikai