Sushi that makes the most of saba, a sushi of todat
Saba no Hayasushi
In old days in the Hidaka Area, people cooked "Narezushi" towards the festivals in October. In these days, people prefer and cook "Hayasushi" which is made with sumeshi rather than "Narezushi" which has a strong and unique flavor of the old days.
- saba (2kg salt)12
- rice1800cc
- Ase leaves50-60
[ Awasezu ]
- vinegar200cc
- sugar200cc
- salt1 tablespoon
- 1.
- Remove the head and bones from saba and filet them. Put lots of salt, and leave them for about 15 days.
- 2.
- Soak the salted saba in water for 4 to 5 hours to remove salt.
- 3.
- Remove fins and small bones, soak them in amazu (分量に記載なし) for about 30 minutes.
- 4.
- When rice is cooked and still warm, mix with awasezu and cool it down.
- 5.
- Make a rice ball, put saba on it, and wrap it with an Ase leave.
- 6.
- Place Ase leaves on a bucket, and pack wrapped saba sushi one by one on each side so there will not be any space in between.
- 7.
- Make layers of Ase leaves and wrapped saba sushi and place a weight.
- 8.
- They will be ready to eat after 4 to 5 days.
Information provided by : 和歌山県 農林水産部 農業生産局 果樹園芸課