Lucky charm at New Year's
New Year's dish of Senba area in Sano-shi (old Kuzuu-machi). When ear noodles are eaten, it's said that they don't have to hear a bad thing at any time of the year around. You can put the one which was dried, preserved and boiled in water and preserve it for several days by a refrigerator.
for 4 persons
- flour (mild flour)500g
- Lukewarm water (30 ℃)200〜220ml
- Salttablespoon 1/2
- Floured surfacea little.
[ Soup of ear noodles ]
- Water1ℓ
- Shiitake mushroom100g
- Carrot120g
- Chicken100g
- Green vegetable50g
- Boiled fish paste50g
- Leek50g
- Dried bonito30〜50g
- Soy saucetablespoon 5
- Sweet rice cooking winetablespoon 5
- Saltteaspoon 1
- 1.
- Soup stock is made. If water boils, I put in dried bonito, make them brought to boil lightly, turn off heat and skim the stock, and it's exceeded in a washcloth after it's done for a while.
- 2.
- Salt is put in lukewarm water and it's often melted.
- 3.
- I screen flour once and put it in a rather big ball.
- 4.
- I screen flour once and put it in a rather big ball.
- 5.
- Fabric is put on a board of noodles and it's put off thin using a rolling pin. (Floured surface is used for the degree which doesn't stick.)
- 6.
- If it can be put off thin, it's cut into 6 x 4 cm of bigness of the matchbox.
- 7.
- It's broken in half of side and it's broken like a collar of a shirt.
- 8.
- It's boiled for about 10 minutes by enough hot water, it's exposed to water and it's given to a basket.
- 9.
- Shiitake mushroom and carrot are cut into thin strips and chicken is cut rather small.
- 10.
- Green vegetable is boiled and it's cut into 3cm.
- 11.
- Boiled fish paste is cut thin.
- 12.
- Leek, for condiments, slicing.
- 13.
- If soup stock boils, chicken, carrot and shiitake mushroom are boiled.
- 14.
- If it becomes soft, the taste is arranged by soy sauce, sweet rice cooking wine and salt and it's boiled quickly including ear noodles.
- 15.
- It's heaped on a container and green vegetable, boiled fish paste and leek are displayed in the top.
※ A taste is fine for a topping of soup.
Information provided by : "A dish of the hometown I'd like to hand down to a child and my grandchild and, CHIGI" issue Tochigi-ken agriculture person conversazione