Typical local food from Shinshu transmitted to Ina and Kiso area
When work in a rice field was settled for the time being in the Kami-ina area formerly, relative's people gathered, and a rice dumplings-on-a-stick meeting was held. It hung time slowly and was some time of the fun clear sky when an adult and a child make and eat rice dumplings-on-a-stick by everyone while making small talk. (Than local food from Kami-ina I'd like to introduce from my mother to my daughter)
for 4 persons
- Nonglutinous rice4 cup
- A skewerabout 16
[ Fermented soybean paste dragging of walnuts ]
- Fermented soybean paste60g
- walnuts15g
- Sugar80g
- Flattering sesame10g
- Liquora little
- 1.
- Rice is ordinarily cooked.
- 2.
- I slightly brown by charcoal, a frying pan and an electric cooking plate.
- 3.
- If you can cook rice, while being hot, I kill, take a dumpling and round. (The size which is about a ping-pong ball)
- 4.
- This is removed and faired by the style of the rice dumplings-on-a-stick. Each 2 are skewered after I often dampen.
- 5.
- Walnuts are ground up tightly by an earthenware mortar and a blender. (When the green tea and the soy sauce are put in and made a little when ruining by an earthenware mortar, it's easy to grind.)
- 6.
- [Fermented soybean paste dragging of walnuts] is put over a fire together with the material of the quantity. It's mixed until the body sticks.
- 7.
- Charcoal is raised, and, 3., lower baking is done until I become slightly burned.
- 8.
- Fermented soybean paste dragging is put and it's warmed over a fire by charcoal again.
Information provided by : Good Shinshu FUDO (the climate) net