Thick, steaming-hot soup cooked with natto
Natto, a traditional Japanese fermented food, used to be home-made by wrapping boiled soy beans in rice straw and leaving them in warm temperature for two days and nights. Natto-jiru is a type of miso soup prepared with ground natto beans which warms you inside and out. Tofu, deep-fried tofu, konjac, mushrooms and mountain vegetables are commonly added to the soup, and dried stalk of taro, known as imogara, is an essential ingredient to the soup.
for 4 persons
- Natto1 pack
- Tofu1/2
- Imogara2
- Deep-fried tofu2
- Konjac1/2
- Mushroomsas much as preferred
- Mountain vegetablesas much as preferred
- Dashi broth5 cups
- Miso bean paste5 Tablespoon
- Green onion10cm
- Japanese parsleysome
- 1.
- Grind the natto well.
- 2.
- Cut tofu, deep-fried tofu, konjac, and imogara into 1cm cubes.
- 3.
- Put the dashi broth in a pot, and cook the imogara cubes.
- 4.
- When the imogara cubes are cooked soft, add other ingredients except for tofu and natto.
- 5.
- Add tofu and miso (make it a little saltier than regular miso soup).
- 6.
- Turn off the heat and add the grind natto.
- 7.
- Put it on the heat again, and turn it off right before it boils.
- 8.
- Garnish the soup with chopped green onions and Japanese parsley.
*Make sure not to boil the soup after adding the natto.
*The people of Mogami area like to boil the soup at the end, leave it to cool, and heat it again before serving.
Information provided by : Yamagata cuisine recipe book Yamagata Kyodo Ryori Tanbo