Cook in bulk for no more kitchen work – an earthy bowl of soup with plenty of tofu
Kenchin Jiru
In the old times, people of Iwate used to cook Kenchinjiru in bulk so that women, who took care of the cooking for the family, would have some time away from their kitchen during the Koshogatsu period (also called “Meshogatsu”, a new year period for women, which is around January 15). The soup prepared in a big pot only needs some reheating. It is also said that the flavours deepen and develop overnight. On the morning of Koshogatsu, grilled mochi rice cake is added to the soup, and at night, it is eaten with soba noodles. The dish does not use any meat, and is cooked with plenty of mountain vegetables.
for 4 persons
- tofu900g
- carrot50g
- konjac100g
- mix of fuki Japanese sweet coltsfoot, warabi bracken and takenoko bamboo shoots200g
- mushrooms100g
- gobo burdock60g
- japanese white radish150g
- deep-fried tofu5
- leek1/3 length
- light soy sauce6 cups
- cooking oil3 tablespoons
- dashi broth (kombu seaweed, mushrooms, or fish according to your taste)6 cups
- mirin sweet cooking rice wine1 tablespoon
- sake rice wine1 tablespoon
- salta pinch
- 1.
- だいこん、にんじん、ごぼう、こんにゃくはそれぞれ、いちょう切りにし、別々にゆがいておく。
きのこは食べやすい大きさにさく。油揚げは千切り、山菜は2cm程度に切る。 - 2.
- 鍋に油を熱し、粗くつぶした豆腐をいためる。
白く濁った水分がでてくるが、そのまま炒めていると、豆腐がぽろぽろと固まってくる。 - 3.
- 鍋にだし汁を入れ、1.で用意した材料をすべて入れる。
一煮立ちしたら、分量の調味料を醤油大さじ1だけ残して、入れる。 - 4.
- 弱火で1時間ほど煮込み、味をみながら、残りの醤油で調整する。
Information provided by : 岩手県 農林水産部 農業普及技術課