Enjoy more than 200 kinds of seafoods according to the season!
Raw fish dishes
Manazuru peninsula is stick out to Sagami Bay as one part of Hakone volcano mountain range. 20-meter-long wharf and rich primeval forest make Manazuru a rich fishing port. More than 200 kinds of fish, such as アジ(horse mackerels)・イナダ(young yellotails)・サワラ(Spanish macherels)・スズキ(sea basses)・タチウオ(hairtails)・ヒラマサ(yellowtail amberjacks)・キハダ(yellow fin tunas)・メジ(young tunas)・メバル(black rockfishes)・ムツ(Japanese bluefishes)・マンボウ(sunfishes)・カワハギ(filefishes)・カツオ(bonitos)・サバ(mackerels)・イワシ(sardines)・伊勢海老(Ise lobsters)・アワビ(abalones)・サザエ(Turban shells), are fished at Manazuru port and Iwagyo port. Very fresh fishes and seafoods according to the season decorate daily dishes and entertain tourists.
Information provided by : Gurutabi