Kashiwa no sukiyaki


Chicken Sukiyaki cooked to prey for the repose of the soul of Tenjinsama

Kashiwa no sukiyaki

Every autumn in Nara Prefecture, there is a ritual taken place by kannushi in an autumn festival where all the representatives of ujiko gather together and prey for the repose of the soul of Tenjinsama (Master Michizane Sugawara). Since the guardian of Tenjin is a cow, chickens have been used to cook a special food "Kashiwa (chicken) no sukiyaki" to serve on the festival day. "Kashiwa no sukiyaki" has been a special dish for celebrations in Nara Prefecture. Nappa and matsutake are also used for "Kashiwa no sukiyaki" along with chickens. Nappa soaks up the rich flavors of chickens and matsutake, and are pretty tasty.

Information provided by : Gurutabi


Local cuisine