A luxury onigiri with rich flavored tororokombu.
Totorokombu Onigiri
Toyama, Tsuruga in Fukuoka Prefecture, and Sakai in Osaka Prefecture are known as the areas where people eat plenty of tororokombu which is thinly shredded kobu. According to the Family Income and Expenditure Servey by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2006, Toyama City has been the biggest consumer of kobu in Japan since 1960. "Kurotororo" is one of the tororokombu which is made by shredding the surface of thick kobu and it is slightly sour to the taste. Onigiri wrapped with the rich flavored tokorokombu is very tasty, and it could be made so quickly by wrapping onigiri with tororokombu.
Information provided by : Gurutabi