Best match with alcohol or with rice. No bad smell and soft!
Small Fish Tsukudani
Tsukudani (boiled down in soy) and other kinds of simmered small fish such as sweetfish, honmoroko (willow gudgeon), yoshinobori (gori), isaza (goby), wakasagi (Japanese pond smelt), sujiebi (lake prawn), or setashijimi (seta clam), are specialties of Shiga prefecture. Simmering them as ameni (sugar broth), kanroni (syrop), sanshoni (Japanese pepper) are to name a few of the ways of cooking them. Various kinds of simmered dishes are made and are loved by the people. Different kinds of dishes can be enjoyed according to the season, such as koayuni (young sweetfish), hiuoni (newborn sweetfish of winter), wakasagini (Japanese pond smelt), morokoni, isazani (goby), and urorini which is also called himegori.
Information provided by : gurutabi